What I've Been Loving in January

Shop 1/28/2018

Minerva Craft Blogger Network: Tilly and the Buttons - Fifi Babydoll Hack

Minerva Crafts Blogger Network 1/21/2018

My Huge January Fabric Haul & Some VERY Vague Sewing Plans

HAUL 1/19/2018

Simplicity 8454 - Ruffle Blouse + Sew Along Video!

Modern 1/15/2018

2018 Make Nine Sewing Plans (+ Video!)

2018 Make Nine 1/03/2018

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2018 Make Nine Sewing Plans (+ Video!)

Hi pinups, it's time for #2018makenine! I thought I would share my plans with you on my blog and YouTube channel instead of just shar...